Israel's illegal Attacks and oppressions and illegal prohibition on Palestine


Palestine, officially the State of Palestine, is a state located in the Southern Levant region of West 

Palestine, area of the eastern Mediterranean region, comprising parts of modern Israel and the Palestinian territories of the Gaza Strip (along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea) and the West Bank (west of the Jordan River).

As we all know Palestine was an independent, prosperous and a Holy place to all the Muslims in the world .Because the best Personality in the world ,whom the world is made for and the personality that every Muslim in the world is wishes to be like.

Al Aqsa (mosque)

The Third most holy and precious mosque for the Muslim world where prophet Muhammad (sallalla ho Allay he was Aale hi wasallam)(peace be upon him) priesthood the All (140000) prophets at the same time and then went to the skys and met the creator of the world The "Almighty ALLAH" and came back here and gave us the gift of prayers five times a day .

Palestine and Gaza people living their lives happily according to the teaching of Islam before the cruel.deserter and the worst people in the world "Jewish " arrived.


In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Zionist movement sought a Jewish homeland. After World War I, the League of Nations granted Britain a mandate over Palestine. In 1947, the UN proposed a partition plan, leading to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.Since then, Israel has faced conflicts with its neighbors, including the Arab-Israeli wars, the Six-Day War in 1967, and the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Peace agreements, such as the Camp David Accords with Egypt and the Oslo Accords with the Palestinians, have been pursued.The Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains a central issue, with ongoing efforts for a lasting resolution. Israel has also experienced economic and technological growth, becoming a significant player in the Middle East.

However the teaching of Islam says that ."never accept Jewish "they can't be your friends .So the Muslim world strictly stick to that and keep ignoring Israel and Jewish .

But the mighty middle east and some county who don't want peace and the people that stands tall in front of them starting oppression and innocent to the people of Palestine.

Oppressions nowadays on GAZA 

Thousands of innocence and newborns are killed on daily basis . Their house became  ruins their hospitals are destroyed their people are dead .This could be enough for stop standing against someone but Israel didn't stop yet neither the Palestine people surrenders.

So Israel stop their fuel intakes ,stops their daily life things like groceries,breads and any eating material that could help to resist Israel's propaganda.
60% of the innocence and newborns were blasted during bombing on Gaza .
Now you decide what you have to do ?

Stand with Gaza or help the Palestine people against oppressions on them .

People all over the world who think that this is wrong are boycotting the products that helps Israel to take someones life .

My only request is That UNITED NATIONS should take a strict action and stop Al these propoganda .

:A well wisher of Palestine and humble Muslim brother .

#united Nations


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