How to stay fit without going to gym

 Staying fit is essential for a healthy lifestyle, but going to the gym may not always be an option.

Everyone of us wants a attractive and a fit body for a confident and fit life style but many people can't afford that.
Whether it's due to financial constraints or schedule conflicts, there are still plenty of ways to stay fit without the gym. Here are some tips on how to stay fit without a gym. I am sharing some ways that I am applying in my daily life routine:

1. Work out at home:


There are plenty of workouts that you can do at home that require little to no equipment. You can do bodyweight exercises like push-ups, lunges, and squats, or invest in some inexpensive equipment like resistance bands or dumbbells.In addition to this you can buy a treadmill or cycling machine if you can afford and if you can't so keep running on stairs up and down until you sweat enough.

2. Use the great outdoors:

 The great outdoors offer many opportunities for exercise. You could go for a run, hike, bike ride, or swim. Fresh air and sunshine can also boost your mood and increase your energy levels.

Going for a morning walk is the best and easiest way to get or stay fit wether it is summer or winter.It work efficiently.after a walk about 1 to 2 km you can plank for at least 30 seconds at your home .if you have more time so there are many exercise which you can perform at home .

3. Find a workout buddy:

 Working out with a friend can hold you accountable and make it more enjoyable. You could go for walks together, do yoga in the park, or take a dance working out with a partner is a brilliant way to get full results and if you have a life partner than it's great.suppose you have tired of running or walk he or she can motivates you to complete that task.

In a gym you are working out at any point you fails to complete the set he or she is there to support you.

Having a fitness partner is like a blessing for me .I have my childhood friend for exercise and workout and you have to find yours.

4. Try online workouts:

 There are many free workout videos available online that you can do at home. YouTube is an excellent resource for finding workout routines that require no gym equipment.

Like YouTube videos you can follow some great fitness models or instructors.

I'm sharing you my personal thoughts.

For males you can follow @andredieu,,,or @cbum...or @simonpanda and for girls you can follow the stunning @mirandacohenfit..or @Stephanie senzo or my Instagram friend @ruzh bedzir and so on.

In case you have not approaching to them you can follow me because I'm continuing my fitness activities for 4 years .

5. Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine: 

You don't have to set aside a specific time for exercise. You can incorporate physical activity into your daily routine by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking or biking to work, or doing some stretching while watching TV. It is very easy especially for ladies to apply some affective sets of exercisea during their daily home work routine. Suppose you have to lift a heavy thing you can lift the weight in a deadlift position by bending your knees ,back straight,chest or breast up and then lift . because deadlift also called the mother of all exercises and it's very very effective.

Or if you are watching TV or any serials on mobile you can stretch your self by lying yourself on the floor or by many other ways.

6. Eat a healthy diet:

 Eating a healthy diet is just as important as exercise when it comes to staying fit. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

If you are not doing any physical activities,NO PROBLEM, you just have to make a healthy diet routine .

I'm sharing you some tips that you can apply.

At the start of the day you can drink a glass of warm water with lemon or honey .This will detoxify your whole body throughout the day  or you can take a cup of green tea .

After this you have to avoid oily or dairy products. These are the main reasons ''why you are getting too much fat and losing you body shape . Things which more quantity of sugar is just like a slow poison which slowly eats our body like a badbugs.

In conclusion, there are many ways to stay fit without going to the gym. By incorporating physical activity into your daily routine, trying new workouts, and eating a healthy diet, you can maintain your fitness without ever setting foot in a gym

Regards Mueiz Khan

18 May 2023


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